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Who Owns Your Personal Data hosted by RiskGroupLLC


Technology driven ability to track human “data” is driving a fundamental transformation. The rise in “tracking technology” has not only made “data” collection possible, it has also made possible qualification and quantification of “data”, that individuals and entities across nations: its government, industries, organizations and academia (NGIOA), never could imagine was possible so far.

From measuring simple human bodily measures and procedures such as heart rate, weight, exercise routine, eating habits, sleeping patterns to monitoring and managing bank accounts, credit card accounts to healthcare accounts and retirement accounts; individuals and entities across NGIOA can now quantify, evaluate and understand what matters to them.

The “data” that is generated through human use of “tracking technology” that is part of smartphones, smart watches, smart appliances, smart cars and more, is on its way to give rise to a whole new “personal information economy”. This is a whole new “data driven economy” that gives each one of us an ability to take decisions based on clear and measurable “data”.

It is important to understand and evaluate:

  • What is this “personal information economy”?

  • What is “personal information”?

  • What is personal data?

  • Why is there a growing debate around it?

As more individuals and entities across nations: its government, industries, organizations and academia (NGIOA) go digital, activities and actions about human lives and about entities from across NGIOA increasingly goes online. Thus, the volume of data individuals and entities across NGIOA actively or passively generate is exploding.

It is important to understand and evaluate:

  • What data individuals and entities across NGIOA are generating?

  • What tracking devices are generating the data about individuals and entities across NGIOA?

  • Where is, the data going?

  • Who owns all that data?

Digital Data ownership is rapidly becoming a cause of concern and a critical security risk. At the heart of this debate is a simple question whether we can control what data any entity/ company/business collects about individuals online, and what it uses this data for.

When the tracking devices that we use know about our individual behavior: what motivates us, what mood we have and when, what triggers changes in our mood, what causes stress, what behavior changes we go through when we are stressed, where do we travel, when and how, who do we meet and who influences us and so on, this is a cause of great concern.

Time is now to talk about Data Ownership Risks!


About the Guest

James Felton Keith is the Founder of International Personal Data Trade Association (IPDTA). James is also the Board Member of Democratic National Committee.

An award-winning engineer, economist, ethnography, and human rights leader; James Felton Keith, has dedicated his life’s work to economic inclusion through building systems that enable individuals to own more of their seemingly intrinsic value. Trained as an engineer and economist, he specializes in the ethnography (cultural study) of technology, in efforts to derive solutions to problems in enterprise and policy.

Formerly known as “Personal Data Project”, the IPDTA is the first non-government to define Personal Data, and to advocate for individual ownership of the oldest asset class.

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